
Archivo para la categoría ‘English Articles’

Attaching mailboxes on Outlook with Office365

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013 Sin comentarios


On todays post. i´ll explain how to attach Office365 mailboxes inside Microsoft Outlook, either if they´re shared or personal.

For most, the easiest way to do so is using Microsoft Outlook interface, perhaps this results tedious when doing it on many users and is also unefficient because it gives the user the right to remove it without any permission.

To do so, it´s necessary to have our environment ready for Office365 administration with PowerShell and log in with admin credentials with the following code:

$LiveCred = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session

Once inside, run the following command (note the Automapping parameter):

Add-MailboxPermission -Identity -User -AccessRights FullAccess -AutoMapping:$true

And we´ll get the following results:


This way, when we Access Microsoft Outlook, we´ll get the attached mailbox below our personal :


Also, note that when accesing the Microsoft Exchange account properties inside Outlook, we will not see any additional mailboxes listed we could remove:



To remove an attached mailbox, simply run the following command:

Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity -User -AccessRights FullAccess


Until next post.

Data Loss Prevention with Office365 Exchange Online

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013 Sin comentarios


One of the new features that Office365 Exchange Online Plan 2 brings us is the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) feature. This helps us keep our organizations important information like credit cards numbers, social security ids, banking accounts, etc out of any leaks, either they´re going out intentionally or even accidentally.

DLP is done with the help of Exchange Online Transport Rules, with the use of conditions and actions based on policies we configure through the Office365 portal and be able to classify both incoming and outgoing messages. In order to help us, DLP includes a list of predefined templates we can use fast and easy to configure DLP succesfully

So let´s stop talking and get hands on configuring this great feature:

  1. First of all, access our Office365 Portal with our Admin credentials.
  2. Click on the upper right side where it says «Admin» and then click on «Exchange«.
  3. On the left side where it says «Compliance Management» and then on the upper side «Data Loss Prevention«.
  4. Click on the «+» symbol to add a new policy and select any of the three available options: New DLP Policy from template, Import DLP Policy, or New custom Policy. In our case we´ll select the first option.
  5. Give it a name, a description and select a predefined template from the list (i.e. U.K. Financial Data).
  6. Click on «More options» and select the Enforce option. Then click on Save.
  7. You should be able to see the recently created policy. Click on the Little pencil icon in order to edit.
  8. Here we can create and customize with rules the policy to treat the data and take actions like forwarding the message for the sending approval to the person on charge of the Data Treatment.

It´s very important to highlight that the Policy tips appeared when a user accomplishes a DLP policy when writing a new E-mail, will only appear if the message is being written using Microsoft Outlook 2013, because OWA and the lower versions of Microsoft Outlook are not compatible with Policy Tips as they cannot proccess them. But this doesn´t mean that DLP cannot be implemmented nor even work, DLP policys will still be working on the background thanks to the transport rules.

The advantage of Policy tips that Outlook 2013 uses, is that enables the user to specify the designated moderator a motive why he needs to send that Info to the recipient as shown on the following image:


I hope you find this usefull.

GuruXP Repository – April 2013

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013 Sin comentarios

Add connected accounts to OWA – Office365

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios

owa logo

One of the functionality that Outlook Web App brings us is the ability to connect external mail accounts like a one to our interface, so we can send and receive mails from it using our Outlook Web App interface, wich is specially usefull for those who think like me that some webmail interfaces are not the way wich should be, or are not functional or intuitive like the one that Office365 offers us.

So what do we need? very simple:

  • An active Office365 subscription with Exchange Online included.
  • Username and Password of the account to be connected (generally the username is the email address)

If the mail server of the account to be connected has the capacity to provide  the autodiscover values for mail programs, then we shouldn´t have any problems and have the need of anything else.

So lets get it working:

  1. First of all Acces our OWA inside Office365.
  2. Click on where it says «Outlook«:
  3. Click on the little gear located on the upper right side and then click on «options«:


  4. Then click on «Connected Accounts» and then on the «+» button:


  5. Type in the username and password of the account to connect and then click on «Next«, This will validate the credentials and add the account to the pannel:


  6. Once the account has been validated double click on the account to configure the name we want to show up on outgoing mails sent using this account:


  7. If we take a look, just after the list of the connected accounts, we will have a little droplist where we can select the address to reply from by default, but we can also select the default value to let the system to use the account to reply to wich received the mail:
  8. Once the connected account has been configured, go to «Outlook» and observe when typing a new mail we´ll have a new field available called «From:» where we can select the Office365 account or the recently connected account we´ve added to send the new mail:


Enjoy it.

Access Office365 Small Business ECP

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios


Since the plattform upgrade of Office365 P1 plan (Office365 for Small Business), the Exchange Control Panel (ECP) link to administer it has become invisible, so many of you can´t find out how to access it, so here´s how to do it:

First of all, access your subscription with your admin credentials.

Once inside, this is the only administration links we´ll see:



Now type on your Internet Explorer address bar the following url: as shown on the following image:



And we will get our credentials validated automatically, so we´ll get our Exchange Control Panel  as shown on the following image:



Ihope many of you find this post usefull.

Configure SendAs and SendOnBehalfOf on the new Office365

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios


Once i wrote a post about configuring SendAs and SendOnBehalfOf on the previous version of Office365 (wave14) with the use of PowerShell, even though this procedure is totally valid for multiple users and migration processes, i´ll explain one of the new features of the new version of Office365 (Wave15), and this is how to achieve this using the graphical interface.

  1. To start, we must enter the Office365 Administration portal with out admin credentials.
  2. Once we´re in, click on Admin and then on Exchange to Access the ECP.
  3. Then click on Groups, and double click the distribution group we want to apply the changes on.


  4. Then simply click on Group Delegation and add the users on the desired box (SendAs or SendOnBehalfOf).
    group delegation

Want to attend Teched 2013?

martes, 16 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios

Microsoft hosts all the years an event called Teched that gets together learning and experiences in one unique place. Each year a place is chosen for both editions United States and Europe, so this year the chosen city is Madrid (Spain) during the days of June 24,25,26,27 and 28 and the prices will be from 1995€ (+VAT) for the 5 days it will last. More Info here.

So, TechNet Spain is giving away two free entries for this year TechEd Europe 2013.

What do you have to do?

Very easy, just follow this steps:

  1. Download any of the evaluation products listed: WS2012, System Center 2012 or Hyper-V Server.
  2. Follow TechNet Spain on Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Make a caption of the completed download.
  4. Publish a tweet like this one: #voyalTechEdGratis URL OF THE CAPTION** gracias a @TechNet_es

For more detailed Info on the steps to follow, click on the image:


Categories: Learning Tags: ,

Get subscription managed by Office365 Partner

sábado, 13 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios



It´s a lot of time i haven´t published anything about Office365 with the use of PowerShell, so today i will not just write about it, but also be writing about helping partners with the Office365 client management.

Actually there are many partners that use some PowerShell commands to manage their client subscriptions to be able to apply changes massively, but not much know about two commands:

Get-MsolPartnerContract and Get-MsolPartnerInformation

So let´s get what these return to us:

  • First of all (of course) will be to get our environment prepared for PoweShell and Online services.
  • Second thing we´ll do is to start the Microsoft Online Services for Windows PowerShell Module (we´ll find it on the installed program list)
  • Once it´s started, run the Connection chain and use your admin credentials as a partner:

$LIveCred = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LIveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session

  • Then connect to the MSOL service with the Partner admin credentials once more:


  • Once we´re inside the system, run the following command to get a list of the subscription we manage as a Partner:


The only problem here is that it doesn´t give us a clear output because the only value it returns is the Tenant Id:


So here´s where the other command will help us:

  • The Following command will let us obtain the Info associated to a Tenant Id:

Get-MsolPartnerInformation -TenantId <id>

This would be the result:


The only problema is that we would have to run two commands to get the Info we want and it´s a bit messy, so lets use the functionality and power that PowerShell gives us like the chained commands and use the next command::

Get-MsolPartnerContract | Get-MsolPartnerInformation

This way we will get the Info without the need to investigate about the id that is linked to it.

Hope you Partners find it useful.

Creating shared mailboxes in Office365 – Wave15

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios





One of the new things in Office365 new plattform admisnitration is the new graphical way to create shared mailboxes without the need to use PowerShell (we still can do it the PowerShell way) so here´s how to do it:


  • The first thing we need to do is Access the Office365 Portal with our admin credentials.
  • Then we need to click on the upper right hand corner where it says «Admin» and select «Exchange«.


  • Then click on «Shared«.


  • Click on  «+» to create a new mailbox.
  • Give a Display Name, an E-mail address and assign the Full Access and Send As permissions for the users we want to include on it and finally click on Save.


If we double click the recently created shared mailbox we´ll get some other options of interest like restricting access to the mailbox via OWA, IMAP, policies asignment or inclusive hide it from the GAL.

Hope you find the Info useful.

Enable Offline OWA

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios


One of the new features that Office365 new platform (Wave 15) brings us by the hand of Exchange 2013 is to be able to work in Offline mode and that´s what i´ll be explaning in today.

Just to be clearer, this is not meant to be a Microsoft Outlook substitute, this new feature has been created to avoid networking cuts during a travel and avoid networking issues, so if what you want is to be able to work in complete offline mode, then you should use Microsoft Outlook for it as it offers a lot more advantages tan just OWA.

Also when we work with these feature we´ll wet some limitations like:

  • Only the content of the inbox, drafts and the last viewed folders in the past 7 days.
  • It´ll only show the first 100 ítems of each folder.
  • The attachments are not stored so we will be able to see the message but not the attachment when we don´t have an internet connection active.
  • We will be able to reply and forward mails as compose new ones, but they wont be sent until we get internet and they´ll be stored on the the lower side of the screen as a notification but not on the Out Box.

Once all this is said, here´s how to enable this functionality:

  • Access your inbox through Office365 portal.
  • Click on the Little gear icon (settings) and select the «Offline Settings» option:


  • Select the «Turn on Offline Access» option and click on «Next«:


  • Select «YES» and click on «Next«:


  • Click on «Next«:


  • Click on «Next» again:


  • And lastly click on «Ok«:


Hope you find this article useful.