
Entradas Etiquetadas ‘sendas’

Configure SendAs and SendOnBehalfOf on the new Office365

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios


Once i wrote a post about configuring SendAs and SendOnBehalfOf on the previous version of Office365 (wave14) with the use of PowerShell, even though this procedure is totally valid for multiple users and migration processes, i´ll explain one of the new features of the new version of Office365 (Wave15), and this is how to achieve this using the graphical interface.

  1. To start, we must enter the Office365 Administration portal with out admin credentials.
  2. Once we´re in, click on Admin and then on Exchange to Access the ECP.
  3. Then click on Groups, and double click the distribution group we want to apply the changes on.


  4. Then simply click on Group Delegation and add the users on the desired box (SendAs or SendOnBehalfOf).
    group delegation

Enviar Como y Enviar en Nombre De con el nuevo Office365

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013 Sin comentarios


En su día escribí un post sobre como configurar las funcionalidades de Enviar Como (SendAs) y Enviar en Nombre De (SendOnBehalfOf) con la versión anterior de Office365 (Wave14) mediante el uso de PowerShell, y a pesar de que aun es totalmente valido ese procedimiento y útil para múltiples usuarios y migraciones, os explicare una de las nuevas características que trae la nueva versión de Office365 (Wave15) y es el poder hacer esto mismo mediante la interfaz grafica.

  1. Para empezar deberemos acceder a nuestro portal de Office365 con nuestras credenciales de Administrador.
  2. Seguidamente, deberemos pinchar en Administrador y a continuación en Exchange para acceder al ECP.
  3. Luego pincharemos en Grupos y haremos doble click sobre el que queramos hacer los cambios.
  4. A continuación pinchamos en Delegación de Grupo y agregamos los usuarios que queramos que envíen como o envíen en nombre de.

SendAs and SendOnBehalfOf with Exchange Online via PowerShell

viernes, 11 de enero de 2013 Sin comentarios



Sometimes, there are situations where recieving department messages is not sufficient via distribution groups, but also exists the need to answer them or even write new ones using the department address and not from the personal assigned mailbox… For that, Microsoft has brought some Cmdlets that we can use with PowerShell: SendAs and SendOnBehalfOf.

So lets begin telling the differences between them:

SendAs: It let us send messages using the department address (i.e: from the personal assigned mailbox (i.e: , this way, the destinatary will recieve the sent message with the department name as the sender.

This method is really useful in situations where we have two personal addresses inside the organization (i.e: an alias) and don´t want to spend on another license to use with a new mailbox…

Also, if what we want is to set a rule where the personal assigned mailbox cannot send messages outside the organization except if the message is sent using the department address, this method is the solution for it.

SendOnBehalfOf: It let us send messages On Behalf Of the company department (i.e: on behalf of, this way the destinatary will recieve the message with the sender as “User on behalf of department» (i.e: John Summer on behalf of Contoso Administration Department).

This method is really useful when what we want is to let know the destinatary who sent the message inside the company department, or who did the reply, and all the department recieve the reply when the destinatary does it.

Well once this is all cleared, lets explain the process for doing this with both methods. Lets keep in mind that to do so, we must have our PowerShell environment prepared for administrating Office365 services



  • For use with one specific user:

$LIveCred = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LIveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

Import-PSSession $Session

Add-RecipientPermission -AccessRights SendAs -Trustee -Confirm:$false

  • For use with Security or Distribution Groups:

Add-RecipientPermission -AccessRights SendAs -Trustee -Confirm:$false

  • Viewing the SendAs permissions applied on the organization:

Get-RecipientPermission | where {($_.Trustee -ne ‘nt authority\self’) -and ($_.Trustee -ne ‘null sid’)}

  • Viewing the SendAs permissions applied to a specific user:

Get-RecipientPermission –Trustee

  • Revoke SendAs permissions to a specific user:

Remove-RecipientPermission -AccessRights SendAs –Trustee



  • For use with one specific user:

$LIveCred = Get-Credential$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LIveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

Import-PSSession $Session

Set-DistributionGroup -GrantSendOnBehalfTo

The only problem with this code is that when we run it again for another user, this last execution will replace the previous one (always with the same department) and will be the only one to send on behalf of the department. To avoid this problem here´s a workarround:

$a = Get-DistributionGroup

$b = Get-User

$a.GrantSendOnBehalfTo += $b.DistinguishedName

Set-DistributionGroup -GrantSendOnBehalfTo $a.GrantSendOnBehalfTo

Get-DistributionGroup | fl name,grant* > List_SendOnBehalfOf_assigned_permissions_on_department.txt

This way we can add users to Send On Behalf Of in nested mode, but instead it will require to run this code each time we want to add another user and the administration task will be some lines more to achieve our goal…

  • For use with Distribution and Security Groups: This is the best option, it´ll sabe us administration time, avoiding unnecessary lines in our PowerShell each time a new user enters a department…

$a = Get-DistributionGroup

$b = Get-DistributionGroup «Distribution Group»

$a.GrantSendOnBehalfTo += $b.DistinguishedName

Set-DistributionGroup -GrantSendOnBehalfTo $a.GrantSendOnBehalfTo

Get-DistributionGroup | fl name,grant* > List_SendOnBehalfOf_assigned_permissions_on_department.txt

I´ve added the «> List_SendOnBehalfOf_assigned_permissions_on_department.txt» on the last line to know who has SendOnBehalfOf permissions inside the department and send it to whoever asks for it (i.e: our IT Manager)

Once this is done, the user will only have to specify the address from where he wants to send the message inside OWA or Microsoft Outlook.

In Microsoft Outlook (if the user doesn´t have more than one account configured) we must enable the «From:» field inside a new E-Mail – Options – From: (above «show fields») and then we can specify the address where we want to send the message from typing it after clicking in «Othe E-Mail address»

Inside OWA occurs the same thing, and we must proceed the same way to enable de From: field.