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Hide an Office365 user from Global Address List (GAL) via Powershell

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2013 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios



Today we´ll see how to hide a user from the Global Address List (GAL from now on) in Office365 with the user of Poershell.

We all know that it´s possible to hide a Distribution Group or a Security Group from the GAL, but that option is not available for new and existing mailboxes and users via GUI (Graphical User Interface), but it´s possibe with the user of Powershell. So lets see how to do it:


The first thing will be to prepare our environment if we already don´t have it to connect with Microsoft Online Services.

Then we must log on to our Office365 subscription with admin credentials using powershell, and run the following command:

 Set-Mailbox -Identity -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true

Once it finishes, the user will be hidden from the GAL :)

Fast and easy! until next post.

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