
Archivo para agosto, 2015

Foros de José Manuel Tella

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015 Comments off

Tras el apagado de su famoso servidor de News, José Manuel ha creado un foro público en el que todos los entusiastas de la informática podemos volver a reunirnos para tratar estos temas que nos apasionan.

Todo el que esté interesado en participar puede darse de alta en el foro, que encontraréis aquí:

Categories: Varios Tags:

Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015 Comments off

Hoy ha lanzado Microsoft la tercera Technical Preview de Windows Server 2016, que se puede descargar desde el siguiente enlace, una vez registrados en el programa:

Junto a la descarga, por ahora sólo en inglés, hay un enlace a un artículo que describe las novedades de esta Technical Preview 3:

  • Windows Server Containers: Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview now includes containers, which are an isolated, resource-controlled, and portable operating environment. They are an isolated place where an application can run without affecting the rest of the system or the system affecting the application. For some additional information on containers, see Containers: Docker, Windows and Trends.
  • What’s new in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in Windows Server Technical Preview. Active Directory Domain Services includes improvements to help organizations secure Active Directory environments and provide better identity management experiences for both corporate and personal devices.
  • What’s New in Active Directory Federation Services. Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview includes new features that enable you to configure AD FS to authenticate users stored in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories. For more information, see Active Directory Federation Services Overview [Role/Tech Overview].
  • What’s New in Failover Clustering in Windows Server Technical Preview. This topic explains the new and changed functionality of Failover Clustering. A Hyper-V or Scale-out File Server failover cluster can now easily be upgraded without any downtime or need to build a new cluster with nodes that are running Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview.
  • What’s new in Hyper-V in Technical Preview. This topic explains the new and changed functionality of the Hyper-V role in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview, Client Hyper-V running on Windows 10, and Microsoft Hyper-V Server Technical Preview.
  • Windows Server Antimalware Overview for Windows Server Technical Preview. Windows Server Antimalware is installed and enabled by default in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview, but the user interface for Windows Server Antimalware is not installed. However, Windows Server Antimalware will update antimalware definitions and protect the computer without the user interface. If you need the user interface for Windows Server Antimalware, you can install it after the operating system installation by using the Add Roles and Features Wizard.
  • What’s New in Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2016. For the Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview, the Remote Desktop Services team focused on improvements based on customer requests. We added support for OpenGL and OpenCL applications, and added MultiPoint Services as a new role in Windows Server.
  • What’s New in File and Storage Services in Windows Server Technical Preview. This topic explains the new and changed functionality of Storage Services. An update in storage quality of service now enables you to create storage QoS policies on a Scale-Out File Server and assign them to one or more virtual disks on Hyper-V virtual machines. Storage Replica is a new feature that enables synchronous replication between servers for disaster recovery, as well as stretching of a failover cluster for high availability..
  • What’s New in Web Application Proxy in Windows Server Technical Preview. The latest version of Web Application Proxy focuses on new features that enable publishing and preauthentication for more applications and improved user experience. Check out the full list of new features that includes preauthentication for rich client apps such as Exchange ActiveSync and wildcard domains for easier publishing of SharePoint apps.
  • What’s new in the Windows console. The underlying console host (Conhost.exe) has been updated in several ways, adding new and different functionality to the Windows command prompt, the Windows PowerShell prompt, and any other character-mode applications. For details, see What’s New in the Windows Console in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview and Console Improvements in the Windows 10 Technical Preview , but you should take note of these important changes:
    • The new console functionality is enabled by default. If an existing application doesn’t work properly with the new console, you can select Use legacy console on the Options tab and then restart your application. You can also control individual aspects of the new functionality with registry keys; see details at the linked topics.
    • Console windows can be resized dynamically with the mouse. This could cause issues with some console applications.
    • Quick Edit mode is enabled by default. If this conflicts with your application, you can disable it on the Options tab.
    • There are new keyboard shortcuts for copy, paste, and history navigation. If these conflict with your application, you can disable them on the Options tab (look for Enable CTRL key shortcuts and Extended test selection keys).
    • The default font type for new console windows is TrueType. You can still use raster fonts, but they won’t scale properly on some displays.
    • Text wraps and reflows by default when you resize a window. If necessary, you can disable this on the Layouts tab.
    • In some cases, after upgrade installation, fonts in the console window might be very small. To adjust this, use the Fonts tab.
  • What’s New in Windows PowerShell 5.0. Windows PowerShell 5.0 includes significant new features—including support for developing with classes, and new security features—that extend its use, improve its usability, and allow you to control and manage Windows-based environments more easily and comprehensively. Multiple new features in Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) are also described in this topic.
  • What’s New in Networking in Windows Server Technical Preview. With this topic you can discover information about new networking technologies, such as Network Controller and Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Tunneling, and new features for existing technologies, including IP Address Management (IPAM), DNS, and DHCP. Detailed information about what’s new is available for these networking technologies:



Categories: Server 2016 Tags:

La activación de Windows 10

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015 1 comentario

Ya llevamos tres semanas con Windows 10 y parece que el tirón mediático ha surtido efecto, pues en tan poco tiempo ya lo han instalado 50 millones de usuarios.

La mayor parte han sido actualizaciones gratuitas, desde Windows 7 o Windows 8.1, además de la actualización desde las versiones Preview para los participantes en el programa Insiders.

En el caso de actualizar desde una versión legítima de Windows 7 u 8.1, tras el inicio de Windows 10 el sistema comienza automáticamente con el proceso de activación (lo podemos lanzar manualmente si no disponemos de conexión a Internet o si vemos que no se ha activado él sólo).

Durante este proceso, los servidores de activación de Microsoft comprueban que la clave original es legítima y la convierten a clave de Windows 10, validando la activación del equipo. En dicho proceso queda guardado en los servidores de activación de Microsoft el estado de activación de nuestro equipo.

A partir de este momento la clave pasa a ser de Windows 10, por lo que ya no nos servirá para activar un Windows anterior, al menos inicialmente. Desde el momento de la primera activación tras la actualización disponemos de 30 días para volver atrás y restaurar el anterior sistema operativo, con lo que la clave volvería a corresponderse con aquel. Esta recuperación la podemos hacer desde la aplicación de configuración, actualización y seguridad, recuperación y allí podemos encontrar la opción de volver al sistema anterior (o a una compilación anterior de Windows 10 en el caso de permanecer en el programa insiders, que permanece activo ofreciendo nuevas builds a sus miembros).

La gran diferencia con el proceso anterior de activación es que si ahora volvemos a instalar Windows 10 desde cero en la misma máquina, ya no es necesario introducir la clave de activación. Cuando la pida dejamos en blanco el cuadro y pulsamos «siguiente» dos veces y la instalación continúa. Al finalizar, cuando realiza el proceso de activación, el servidor de activación comprueba que esa máquina ya está activada y le proporciona la licencia de activación para la misma versión de Windows 10, sin necesidad de haber introducido la clave en ningún momento.

Todo esto funciona para las versiones Retail y OEM de Windows Home y Windows Pro. Las versiones Enterprise no disponen de esa actualización gratuita y requieren una clave MAK para su activación, o realizar la misma mediante un servidor KMS o ADDS.

Categories: Windows 10 Tags: