Skype for Business | Debugging Tools Script


This is a pretty basic script that download and install Skype for Business Debugging Tools.

Hope this helps you.

Que tal!

Este es un script basico pero muy util, para descargar e instalar el Debuggin Tools de Skype for Business.

Espero sea de ayuda.

    Script sencillo pero util para descargar el Skype for Business Debuggin Tools.


    Simply but useful script to Download and Install Skype for Business Debuggin Tools #
Created by MVP Rodolfo Castro Aguilar
Date: 08/04/2016
Version 1.0

$url = «»
$output = «$PSScriptRoot\SkypeForBusinessDebugTools.msi»
$start_time = Get-Date

    Import-Module BitsTransfer
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url -Destination $output
    Write-Output «Time taken: $((Get-Date).Subtract($start_time).Seconds) second(s)»
<#Comment the follows lines if dont want to install Debugging Tools, only download it #>
<#Comenta las siguientes lineas sino quieres instalar el Debuggin Tools, sino solo descargarlo#>
    Write-Output «Installing Skype for Business Debuggin Tools»
& $output

Skype Operations Framework

Microsoft announced at WPC Skype Operations Framework.

What is Skype Operations Framework (SOF)?

The Skype Operations Framework (SOF) is a comprehensive guide and toolset for implementing and managing a reliable, cost-effective communications service based on Skype for Business. It covers the entire customer lifecycle, including planning, deployment, adoption, and operations. It is a multi-faceted approach to the successful deployment of Skype for Business, incorporating four key elements that have customer success firmly at the center.

  • The SOF framework provides a standardized approach to successfully plan, deliver and operate Skype for Business by incorporating practical guidance, tools, assets and recommended practices.
  • The SOF readiness via Skype Academy provides targeted training to educate customers and partners on Skype for Business products, services and best practices, while providing theoretical training along with internship and guided deployment opportunities to apply learnings to real-world customer engagements.
  • SOF provides the foundation for customers and partners to accelerate their Skype for Business Online journey. We are providing the delivery methodology in SOF to guide customers and partners on when and how to use the tools and assets. This is a major benefit for many who in the past have had to work out how to navigate the deployment journey on their own, investing significant time and effort to develop their own delivery methodology from the ground up. Customers and Partners can now build their own delivery capabilities using the SOF delivery methodology as the foundation.

In addition, FastTrack is the customer success service design to help customer move to Office 365, smoothly and with confidence. It covers planning, deployment and adoption aspects of the customer lifecycle. FastTrack best practices, tools, and resources associated with Skype for Business are based on SOF. SOF extends FastTrack with guidance for ongoing operational management, and provides additional Skype-specific details for planning and deployment. All Office 365 customers should utilize FastTrack for planning, deployment, and adoption, and should follow SOF throughout the lifecycle of Skype for Business deployments. In addition, customers should consider using partner managed service offerings built on SOF for elements not covered by FastTrack, including ongoing operations, and, when needed, other workload specific activities.





You can check all the information about SOF at the official page.

Skype for Business Android


Yesterday Microsoft release the new SfB Android version

What’s new in Version
• View PowerPoint presentations uploaded in a meeting
• Directly open your Outlook calendar from the Skype for Business meetings tab
Also fix the issue described here (Not a Valid Number)

Que tal,
El día de ayer Microsoft lanzo la nueva version del cliente de SfB para Android.
Que hay de nuevo en la version
  • Ver las presentaciones de PowerPoint en un meeting
  • Abrir directamente tu calendario de Outlook desde el tab de Skype for Business Meetings.

Ademas corrige el problema descrito aquí (Not a Valid Number)


Skype Free Meetings


Microsoft now presents the Preview of Skype (Consumer) Free Meetings Tool , a solution for small companies.

Here some of the free features. (where I had seen this ??? ….)


And how looks


Pretty familiar , right?

You can also schedule the meeting with outlook to later time.

Here a video  how-to use Skype Meeting

Skype for Business – RDP vs VbSS

With the June SfB Cumulative Update ( Microsoft add VbSS (Video Based Screen Sharing) support to Skype for Business Server 2015.

 The difference between VbSS and traditional screen-sharing has to do with the underlying protocols used, and what they excel at. Screen-sharing uses the remote desktop protocol (RDP), which is great at creating thousands of 1-to-1 sessions between people’s computers. Newer technology, VbSS, will make use of User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

VbSS pros and cons

Switching to VbSS aims to make three key improvements:

  1. Make screen-sharing (up to 5%) more reliable compared to RDP alone.
  2. Make the session setup and video experience faster compared to RDP alone (setup in half the time, with a 6:1 improvement in frames-per-second).
  3. Works much better than RDP in low bandwidth conditions, even when sharing high motion content, such as 3-D graphics.

All this sounds great, but I bring to you a video where you can compare the difference between RDP and VbSS.

Hope this helps you.

Skype for Business–Android Client “Not a valid number” Issue


We have an issue with Android SfB Mobile Client version

With 4 and 5 lenght numbers, returns error messages «Not a valid number»

Image 304

Try with previous version and works fine

Image 302

Image 303 


iOS and Windows Phone Client works fine.

Also, found at Technet many people with same issue with 7 digit or less numbers


if you already did, downgrade with a .apk backup

I will update this post  when Microsoft release a fix

Que tal!

Pues con la novedad de que tenemos un issue con la version de SFB Mobile en Android

Con los numeros de 4 o 5 digitos, regresa el mensaje de “el numero no es valido”

Image 304

Intentamos con una versión previa y funciona correctamente.

Image 302

Image 303 


Los clientes de iOS y Windows Phone funcionan a la perfección. 

Además en Technet encontré que mas gente presenta el mismo inconveniente, con números de 7 dígitos o menos.


Si ya lo hicieron, hagan un downgrade con un .apk que tengan de respaldo.

Actualizare este post cuando tengamos algún fix o solución por parte de Microsoft.

Lync Server 2013 – Internal App Sharing Error


Today I found the following issue with a customer.

Internal App Sharing did not working! No PPTs, No Whiteboard, No Polls, No Q&A. Only Desktop Sharing.

But with external users and federate users all works perfectly.

So I look up at uccapilog at client side and found the follow.

ms-client-diagnostics: 52161;reason=»Session was terminated as we are tearing down the conference due to failure on a different session»

So I seach about this error at Technet Forums. And found this helpful post as answer.

Where says that we need to remove the KB3142030 and restart the services.

I dont have installed that KB , but  the regedit option works.

1. Add the follow key  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\<version_number>\System.Net.ServicePointManager.SchSendAuxRecord

2. Create a new DWORD, where the name is the Fully qualified path for the application .exe (D:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Web Conferencing\DataMCUSvc.exe)
Value data: 0

3. Then restart the Web Conferencing service and App Sharing Service.

Then Internal App Sharing works again.


Hope this help you.

Que tal!

Hoy me encontré con un problema con un cliente.

El compartir aplicaciones internamente no estaba funcionando! Ni las PPTs , ni Pizarra, ni encuesta, ni Q&A, solamente desktop sharing.

Pero con los usuarios externos y federados todo funcionaba sin problemas.

Así que revise el uccapilog del lado del cliente y encontré el siguiente error.


ms-client-diagnostics: 52161;reason=»Session was terminated as we are tearing down the conference due to failure on a different session»

Busque en los foros de Technet y encontré el siguiente post útil

Donde nos pide desinstalar el KB3142030 y reiniciar los servicios.

Ese no fue mi caso, ya que no tenia instalado ese KB, pero la opción de regedit funciono perfectamente.

1. Agregar el siguiente folder   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\<version_number>\System.Net.ServicePointManager.SchSendAuxRecord

2. Crear un nuevo registro DWORD, donde el nombre sera todo el path donde esta la aplicacion. (D:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Web Conferencing\DataMCUSvc.exe)
Value data: 0

3. Después reiniciamos el Web Conferencing Service y App Sharing Service.

Con esto todo funciono a la perfección.

Espero les sea de ayuda.

Skype for Business 2016 Freezing (Kaspersky Endpoint Protection 10)


Today I bring to you an issue I found on my own computer.

I got Skype for Business 2016


When I try to connect to a Conference or when someone add me or try to share app. My client freeze and need to go to task manager to stop the process.

Yesterday I put my attention to solve the issue, and found something else. The .ost was blocked after kill the process. … so I can’t start Outlook or Skype for Business after Freeze, So I need to restart the machine.

Image 274

What can block a file? My first though was Antivirus, my computer got Kaspersky Endpoint Protection 10. So, I stop all the protection suite and test…


Again, we need to add exception/trusted zone our Skype for Business Client.

Then , Start the Kaspersky protection and add Lync.exe (yes, I know…  ¬¬ ) to the Trusted Zone and Apply the configuration

Image 276

All works perfect now.

Hope this helps you.

Que tal!

Hoy les traigo un problema que encontré en mi propia computadora,

Tengo Skype for Business 2016.


Cuando intento conectarme a una conferencia, o alguien me agrega o trata de compartirme aplicación, mi cliente se congela y tengo que detener el proceso desde el task Manager.

Ayer,  puse mi atencion a resolver de una vez este issue. y encontre algo mas, cada que detengo mi cliente desde el task manager, el .ost queda bloqueado, asi que no puedo iniciar Outlook or Skype for Business y tengo que reiniciar el equipo.

Image 274

Que puede bloquear un archivo? Mi primera impresión fue Antivirus, mi equipo tiene Kaspersky Endpoint Protection 10 , asi que detuve la protección de la suite y probe,


De nuevo, tenemos que agregar el cliente de Skype for Business a las excepciones/Trusted Zone.

Entonces, inicie el Kaspersky de nuevo y agregue el Lync.exe a las Trusted Zone y aplique los cambios.

Image 276

Ahora ya todo funciona perfecto.

Espero que sea de ayuda.

Lync Server 2013 Orphan users! / Lync 2013 Usuarios Huérfanos

Maybe you find this scenario when you remove users from AD and Lync.

When the company users look for a user that was remove it, still appear.


So, first we think removing the GAL from the client side. Oh surprise no GAL (that’s when I found the AddressBook WebQueryOnly  Policy Configured)

Then, thinking…. If the clients go to web services to find a user, where the web service consult ? ¡¡RTCAB Database!!

So, we use the following query


select * from [rtcab].[dbo].[AbAttributeValue] where Value like ‘%orphanuser%’


The query returns all the entries, and voila! just remove the entry with the userID field


delete from [rtcab].[dbo].[AbAttributeValue] where UserID = ‘UserID’

We search again for that user on the client and no showing any result.



Hope this help you.

Tal vez se han encontrado este problema cuando eliminan a un usuario de AD y de Lync.

Cuando algún usuario de la compañía busca al usuario eliminado, aun aparece.


Así que, lo primero que pensamos fue en remover la GAL del lado del cliente y vaya sorpresa! no tenia el archivo GAL (aquí encontré que el cliente tiene Addressbook WebQueary configurado)

Entonces, pensando… si el cliente va a algún servicio web para encontrar al usuario, donde consulta ese servicio? ¡¡RTCAB DATABASE!!!

Asi que ejecutamos el siguiente query.

select * from [rtcab].[dbo].[AbAttributeValue] where Value like ‘%orphanuser%’


El query regreso todas las entradas con la informacion del usuario y voila!, solo tenemos que eliminar esta info que aun queda en la base utilizando el UserID


delete from [rtcab].[dbo].[AbAttributeValue] where UserID = ‘UserID’

Buscamos nuevamente al usuario, y no aparece ya.



Espero sea de ayuda.

Skype for Business Ethical Wall [Multiux]


Today I bring to you an awesome Tool. MULTIUX Ethical Wall ( you can see more information here)

How many times a client ask you to restrict communications between OU’s , or that no one can IM at CIO. Or at bank or financial company to only allow some cashers or user to receive IM nothing more else.

Well, the soution for that is a thrid party tool called ETHICAL WALL.

I will show how Multiux Ethical Wall can help us to get the client target.

We can block communications between endpoint in the following scenarios.


As you can see, we have two sides (Endpoint A and Endpoint B) and in the middle we have the actions we have allow/block between those endpoints.

An Endpoint is not only one user, an Endpoint can be an OU, Federate Domain, etc. Here the list with all Endpoint possibilities.




Now let me show you how EthicalW all works.

Example 1.


In the previous image you can see that we have two internal users, Endpoint A (user1@ucblogmx.mvp) and Endpoint B (user2@ucblogmx.mvp) . I block user2 to call, share and transfer to user1.

If user2 send a file to user1 , they receive the following error.


But user1, can send file to user2 without problem.



Now, I will show you how can block all communications from Mortal Users to Managers.

I have two OU’s Managers and Mortals.

User1 is member of Managers OU


User2 is member of Mortals OU



Now, the Ethical Wall Rule was set as follow.


Where only Managers OU Users can communicate to Mortal OU Users.

Here how a Manager can communicate with Mortal User


But when a Mortal User try to IM a Manager Users , look like this.

Image 256image

The user1 status presence doesn’t show to user2, and when try to send a IM , ethical wall reject the communications.

This is just an overview, soon I will post how to install the trial version and configure the rules.


Hope this help you.

NOTE:  Thanks to fabbricadigitale for the oportunity and support to try Ethical Wall.




Que tal!

Hoy les traigo una herramienta muy útil. MULTIUX Ethical Wall (pueden revisar mayor información  aquí)

Cuantas veces un cliente les pide restringir la comunicación entre OU’s , o que nadie pueda enviar IM al CIO. O en las compañías bancarias y financieras solamente permitir que los cajeros o usuarios reciban IM únicamente, que no hagan otra acción.

La solúción a esto es una herramienta de 3ros llamada ETHICAL WALL

Les motrare como Multiux Ethical Wall puede ayudarnos a cumplir con el objetivo del cliente.

Podemos bloquear comunication entre dos endpoint en los siguientes escenarios.


Como pueden ver, tenemos dos lados (Endpoint A y Endpoint B) y en medio tenemos las acciones que podemos permitir/bloquear entre esos dos endpoints.

Un Endpoint no solamente es un usuario, un endpoint puede ser una OU, un dominio Federado, etc. Aqui esta la lista con todas las posibilidades de Endpoint.




Ahora les mostraré como Ethical Wall trabaja.



En la imagen previo pueden ver que tenemos dos usuarios internos , Endpoint A (user1@ucblogmx.mvp) y Endpoint B (user2@ucblogmx.mvp) . Se bloqueo al usuario 2 la posibilidad de llamar, compartir escritorio y transferencia de archivos al user 1.

Si el usuario 2 envia un archivo al usuario 1, recibe el siguiente mensaje de error.


Pero el usuario 1 puede enviar archivos sin problema.



Ahora les mostraré como bloquear comunicaciones de usuarios mortales a los Gerentes/Administradores

Tengo dos Ou’s Managers y Mortals

El usuario 1 es miembro de la OU Managers


El usuario 2 es miembro de la OU Mortals



Ahora, la regla del ethical wall quedo de la siguiente manera.


Donde solamente los usuarios de la OU Managers, pueden comunicarse con los usuarios de la OU Mortals

Aqui como un Gerente puede comunicarse con un usuario mortal.


Pero cuando un mortal intenta buscar a un Gerente, se ve lo siguiente.


Image 256image

La presencia del usuario1 no se muestra al usuario2, y cuando intenta enviar IM , el ethical wall rechaza la comunicación.

Esto solamente es un resumen, pronto subiré un post sobre como instalar la versión trial y configurar las reglas.

Espero sea de ayuda.

NOTA: Agradezco a fabbricadigitale por la oportunidad y apoyo para probar Ethical Wall.