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OCS deja de tener soporte

Que tal,

Aunque algunos no lo crean, y parezca totalmente una locura. Aun existen implementaciones con las versiones de OCS 2007 y OCS 2007 R2 (si, de verdad aun existen!!!)

Lamentablemente para ellos (y con eso tambien para nosotros) Microsoft puso como fecha de fin de vida el 8 de Enero pasado (January 8, 2018). Es decir que a partir de ese dia toda implementacion de OCS, tanto 2007 y 2007 R2, dejara de tener un soporte por parte de Microsoft y ya no tendra mas actualizaciones o parches.

Entonces cuales son los siguientes pasos?

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LYNC 2013 MOBILE UPDATE (5.4) ON IPHONE (7.1) Issues


DONT INSTALL LAST LYNC 2013 UPDATE (5.4) ON IPHONE (7.1,7.1.1) UPDATE: Only in 7.1 iOS version

We found that the last lync update (5.4) is not working with iOS version (7.1,7.1.1). It’ll show that can not find the server to login or a that exist a certificate problem.

We reinstalled Lync version (5.3) to Loggin.

UPDATE: Upgrade iOS version to 7.1.1 fix it.

While MS fix that, we recommend DONT INSTALL LYNC UPDATE.



Lync Connectivity Analyzer – Does not start

This tool had been very helpful to do trobleshooting with mobility and Lync Store, it checks if all DNS registers were created and can be resolvable from inside and outside enterprise network

(Here is the link to download it)

My laptop is Windows 8, and was working well. Now, if I try to open Lync Connectivity Analyzer, nothing happen


Uninstall the follow:

  • KB2840632
  • KB2833958

After uninstall, all work again.


Lync 2013 – Comparation Chart

If you need a comparation table for features between Lync OnPremise, Lync Online, Lync Hosting Pack v1 and v2, maaybe this will help you

This is the official link to MS document.

Lync 2013 Comparation Chart

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Lync Mobile 2013 – Does not play voicemails

The other day I found this little issue in a deployment

We enabled UM for pilot users, and everything worked fine. But when we tried to play voicemails from an iPhone, it did not play the message. We tried with Android Phone and same error.



We executed the following cmdlet to change the audio codec to MP3.

With this change, both devices could play voicemails


I hope this will help you

Lync 2013 – Automatic Login process

Hi all,

I reviewed the automatic login process in Lync 2013,and  I found that the first steps are different than Lync 2010.

In Lync 2010 the login process was the follow:

  • _sipinternaltls._tcp.<sip domain>
  • _sip._tls.<sip domain>
  • sipinternal.<sip domain>
  • sip.<sip domain>
  • sipexternal.<sip domain>

I put a Wireshark trace on my Lab with Lync 2013

Note: I did not create any DNS register, because I wanted trace the full process.


1) DNS A Register : lyncdiscoverinternal.<sip domain>

This DNS A Register was included since Lync 2010 CU4 to offer Lync Mobile Service. Now with Lync 2013, it’s the first option to automatic login.


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2) DNS A Register: lyncdiscover.<sip domain>

As previous register, added to Lync since Lync 2010 CU4, but with different porpouse. This DNS register, allow user outside corporative LAN, to connect to Lync Mobile Clients, the previous one only works for internal users.

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3) DNS SRV: _sipinternaltls._tcp.<sip domain>

From here, are same steps as Lync 2010

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4) DNS SRV: _sip._tls.<sip domain>

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5) DNS A: sipinternal.<sip domain>

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6) DNS A: sip.<sip domain>

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7) DNS A: sipexternal.<sip domain>

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Note: Lync Windows Store, stops in the second step

I hope this help you

Espero les sea de ayuda

Deploy Lync 2013 Client via GPO

This article try to be helpful to Deploy Lync 2013 via GPO

Actually Lync 2013 Client is on the Office 2013 Suite, we will work with Customization Tool (OCT) to get our goal.

So, first you should have Office 2013 Installation media.

Note: It must be Volume Licence to work with OCT

In a Command Prompt write  %Path%/setup.exe /admin

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This will open a new wizard. Select New Customization File.

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It will show all configuration option .

Note: In this article, I only select Lync Client, but you could choose more Office Programs to install.

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Under Installation Tab, you can choose the default installation path, and write your organization name.

In the Licence tab, you can select KMS or MAK method, this depends of the licence type you have.

Check the Terms of Licence box and under Presentation Level , select none.


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The follow step is important, if you have previous Office Installations.

in remove previous Installation, select all the application we don’t want to remove and clic Details. A new window will open, clean the checkbox.

If you don’t realize this step, the previos version of Office will be removed.

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In the follow screen, select Lync to «Run on mi PC» and other applications to «Hidden»

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Once we finish with this configuration, you must save it. For that, go to File, Save as… and select the path where you want to put it. The file extensions will be .msp


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To deploy Lync Client via GPO, we must create a .bat file like


From the  GPO Manager Editor, you can execute this script on Startup or Shutdown.

I recommend Computer->Policies->Windows Settings>Script (startup/Shutdown)

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On my lab, I used Startup Script

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I hope this will help you