Tag Archive for Lync Mobile

Lync | Update Lync for Windows Phone

El día de ayer salió una actualización para el cliente de Windows Phone, siendo interesante resaltar las 3 opciones para poder hacer las llamadas

VoIP always—The device will use a Wi-Fi connection, if available, to place the call. If Wi-Fi isn’t available, the device will defer to the 3G/4G data plan and the Lync voice calls will be initiated over that connection.
This option is perfect for those of you who always want to have the richest conversation possible, including escalating voice calls to full video and content sharing. 

  • VoIP over Wi-Fi only—Again, the device will use a Wi-Fi connection, if available, to place the call. If Wi-Fi can’t be found, this setting instructs the Lync mobile service to connect you using Call via Workplacing a call to your phone first, then to the destination number.
    This option is excellent for those of you who don’t want the Lync call to be placed using mobile data, which depending on your service plan could be expensive.
  • Cellular—The Lync mobile service will directly place a call to your phone number using Call via Work and then complete the call to the destination.
    This option is the most reliable way to ensure that calls using Lync mobile don’t connect using your data plan and will be consistent when moving between networks. At the same time, it disables video and content for the call.

Para mayor detalle les dejo la liga del blog de Office


Espero les sea de ayuda.

LYNC 2013 MOBILE UPDATE (5.4) ON IPHONE (7.1) Issues


DONT INSTALL LAST LYNC 2013 UPDATE (5.4) ON IPHONE (7.1,7.1.1) UPDATE: Only in 7.1 iOS version

We found that the last lync update (5.4) is not working with iOS version (7.1,7.1.1). It’ll show that can not find the server to login or a that exist a certificate problem.

We reinstalled Lync version (5.3) to Loggin.

UPDATE: Upgrade iOS version to 7.1.1 fix it.

While MS fix that, we recommend DONT INSTALL LYNC UPDATE.



Lync Mobile iPhone(7.1) – No conecta ultima actualizacion (5.4)


Acabamos de revisar que al actualizar la app de Lync 2013 en los telefonos iPhone (probados por nosotros 7.1 y 7.1.1), se tienen problemas para iniciar la sesión. Muestra el error de que no encuentra el servidor o que se tienen problemas con el certificado.

Tuvimos que reinstalar la versión anterior (5.3) para que los teléfonos con la versión de iOS (7.1, y 7.1.1) pudieran iniciar sesión nuevamente.

ACTUALIZACION: Hacer el upgrade a la version iOS 7.1.1 permite que inicie sesión con la versión 5.4

Así que mientras MS nos indica que fue lo que paso y ver si se corrige, nuestra recomendacion es que si tienen dispositivos con iOS 7.1 o 7.1.1 NO INSTALEN EL UPDATE DE LYNC 2013 (VERSION 5.4)

Espero les sea de ayuda

Lync Mobile 2013 – Does not play voicemails

The other day I found this little issue in a deployment

We enabled UM for pilot users, and everything worked fine. But when we tried to play voicemails from an iPhone, it did not play the message. We tried with Android Phone and same error.



We executed the following cmdlet to change the audio codec to MP3.

With this change, both devices could play voicemails


I hope this will help you