Microsoft 365 = Office 365, Windows 10, and Enterprise Mobility + Security

Microsoft just announce Microsoft 365. A complete, intelligent solution, including Office 365, Windows 10, and Enterprise Mobility + Security, that empowers everyone to be creative and work together, securely.

Microsoft 365 Business

Empower your team, safeguard your business, and simplify IT management with a single solution, purpose-built for your business.

Achieve more together

Create with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more.
Connect with customers, coworkers and suppliers.
Bring together teams and resources, all in one place.
Meet Cortana, your digital personal assistant.

Anywhere it matters

Access your work securely from anywhere.
No wifi, no problem.
Work offline and sync later.
Available on Windows, iOS, Android, Mac, and through web browsers.

Always-on security

Safeguard company data across PCs, phones and tablets.
Help protect against phishing and security threats.
Be secured with the latest versions of Office 365 and Windows 10.

Simplified for business

Easy employee setup and deployment.
Manage users and devices with a single dashboard.
Single login for all services and devices.



Microsoft 365 Business advantage

Microsoft 365 Business brings together features from across Microsoft’s offerings in a solution designed for small and medium-sized businesses. It’s powered by Office 365 and Windows 10, with device management and security features to help ensure your company’s data is protected.


Microsoft 365 Enterprise

Microsoft 365 Enterprise is a complete, intelligent solution, including Office 365, Windows 10 Enterprise, and Enterprise Mobility + Security, that empowers everyone to be creative and work together, securely.

Built for teamwork

  • Enterprise-class email, voice, and video.
  • Connect everyone with company-wide communities.
  • Share and collaborate on documents in real time.
  • Includes Microsoft Teams, the new chat-based workspace.

Unlocks creativity

  • Work naturally with ink, voice, and touch.
  • Visualize information in new ways.
  • Create compelling content with Intelligent apps.
  • Build on the work & expertise of others.

Integrated for simplicity

  • Always up-to-date.
  • Self-service deployment.
  • Cloud-based management.
  • Rich telemetry from your environment.
  • Reduce TCO with consolidated solutions.

Intelligent security

  • Protect identity, apps, data & devices.
  • Thwart advanced threats.
  • Manage data archiving, governance & discovery.
  • Powered by Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph.
  • Accelerate GDPR compliance.


Microsoft 365 offers two plans.


SfB Online | Join by Phone did not show after disabled audio and/or video


Que tal,

El dia de hoy les traigo algo bastante interesante.

Dentro de una de las opciones que tenemos para la configuracion de Skype for Business Online, es deshabilitar audio y/o video a los usuarios, por medio del portal de administracion.

Es una tarea bastante sencilla, seleccionas al usuario y en sus propiedades seleccionas la opcion deseada, en este ejemplo seleccione solamente audio.


Y pues todo funcionaba de  maravilla. El boton de video desaparecio del cliente de Skype for Business como se esperaba.


PEROOOO… cuando se creo un Skype Meeting la informacion de Dial in desaparecio!








en donde quedo esa informacion?

Como bien saben, Office 365 Tiene pre configuradas politicas de conferencia, y cada que hacemos un movimiento en el portal, la politica asignada al usuario cambia.

En este caso, mi usuario quedo con la siguiente politica.



ok, entonces vamos a revisar que es lo que tiene dicha politica.

Ejecutamos el comando

Get-CsConferecingPolicy -Identity BposSDataProtectionNoDialoutNoVideo


Como veran, esa politica deshabilita la posibildad de tener Dialin Conferencing. Asi que, me puse a buscar si existia una politica que tuviera habilitado Dialin y deshabilitado video, asi que primero a filtrar todas las politicas con Dialin habilitado.

Get-csconferencingPolicy | where-object {$_.EnableDialinConferencing -eq 1}


Solamente la politica global tiene habilitado el DialIn conferencing!!! EN SERIO MICROSOFT???

Valide nuevamente con el siguiente comando.

Get-csconferencingPolicy | ft Identity, EnableDialinConferencing


Todas estan en false!!!

Asi que todo cambio que hagamos que salga de la politica global de Microsoft nos deshabilitara el dialinconferencing!!

Bueno una vez encontrado el problema, aqui la solucion.

Crear una politica personalizada con los valores que necesitemos.

New-CsConferencingPolicy -Identity Custom_Policy -Enabledialinconferencing $True -AllowIPVideo $false -EnableP2PVideo $False

Se asigna la politica al usuario

Grant-csconferencingpolicy -identity USERID -PolicyName Custom_Policy

Asi, que tengan cuidado con lo que modiquen en el portal de SfB Online, ya que podria dejarlos sin algun otro servicio.

Recomendacion: Crear una politica personalizada si van a cambiar los valores globales.

Espero les sea de ayuda.



Today’s post is really interesting.

One of the options we have on Skype for Business online portal, is disable Audio and/or Video to users.

A really simple task, select the user go to general properties and select the right option. On this example I select Audio only.


Everything works, video button disappears on Skype for Business client as expected.


BUT!!!… once I created a Skype Meeting, Join by phone information did not show it.








Where it goes?

As you know, Office 365 has some pre configured policies, on this case conferencing policies, and every time you make a change on the user configuration, assigned policy change.

On this case, my user was assign with this policy.



Let’s check this policy configuration.

Run following

Get-CsConferecingPolicy -Identity BposSDataProtectionNoDialoutNoVideo


As you can see, that policy disable Dialin conferencing option. So, I checked if there exist any policy with Dialin enabled and video disabled. I chose look first to all policies with Dialin enabled.

Get-csconferencingPolicy | where-object {$_.EnableDialinConferencing -eq 1}


Just Global policy has Dialin enabled??! Really Microsoft?

I double check with following

Get-csconferencingPolicy | ft Identity, EnableDialinConferencing


All are set as False!!!!

So, I should assume that every change I do on Skype Admin portal, will change my user policy and disable dialin conferencing?

Well, anyway, once I found the issue, here the solution

Create a custom policy with all values we need.

New-CsConferencingPolicy -Identity Custom_Policy -Enabledialinconferencing $True -AllowIPVideo $false -EnableP2PVideo $False

and Assign policy to the user

Grant-csconferencingpolicy -identity USERID -PolicyName Custom_Policy

So, be careful when modify any value on SfBO Admin portal, it might remove other feature by default.

Recommendation: Create custom policy if you want to change global values. (default)

Hope this helps you.

MS Teams | Basic | What’s Microsoft Teams?

Que tal,

Dando un pequeño cambio (aunque no tanto) a la tematica que se maneja en este blog, voy a empezar a publicar un poco sobre Microsoft Teams, ventajas, desventajas y comparativa e integracion con Skype for Business.

Asi que empecemos desde lo basico.

Que es Microsoft Teams?



Es una solucion de colaboracion basada en el chat grupal. (mucho mejor que Group Chart o Persistent Chat) en la cual podras crear espacios de trabajo para diferentes equipos de trabajo, proyecto, tecnologia, area, etc.

El chat necesario para mantener a los equipos de trabajo informados del estatus del proyecto y cualquier tipo de respuesta. Desde Microsoft Teams tu seras capaz de adjuntar un correo para que todos esten al tanto, agendar una reunion y unirte a ella. Veras el historial de chat y la opcion de crear  Chat publicos o privados.


Con Teams tienen la oportunidad de utilizar Word, PowerPoint, Excel, SharePoint, One Note, PowerBI and Delve directamente desde el cliente de Microsoft Teams, por lo que los integrantes tendran todas las herramientas e informacion necesaria para incrementar la productividad.


Asi que en una forma de introduccion espero que les haya servido esta breve introduccion.




Making a little change (although not too much) on topics on this blog, I’m gonna start posting about Microsoft Teams, pros, cons, comparison and integration with Skype for Business.

So, let’s start from Basics.

Microsoft Teams—the chat-based workspace



With Microsoft Teams you can see content and chat history anytime in team chat or in private chat. Schedule small group or team meetings. Post an email in the thread to keep the team in the loop. Search for public teams to collaborate on shared projects.

Microsoft Teams provides a modern conversation experience for today’s teams. Microsoft Teams supports not only persistent but also threaded chats to keep everyone engaged. Team conversations are, by default, visible to the entire team, but there is of course the ability for private discussions. Skype is deeply integrated, so teams can participate in voice and video conferences. And everyone can add personality to their digital workspace with emojis, stickers, GIFs and custom memes to make it their own.



Microsoft Teams brings together the full breadth and depth of Office 365 to provide a true hub for teamwork. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, OneNote, Planner, Power BI and Delve are all built into Microsoft Teams so people have all the information and tools they need at their fingertips


Since all teams are unique, we’ve invested deeply in ways for people to customize their workspace, with rich extensibility and open APIs available at general availability. For example, Tabs provides quick access to frequently used documents and cloud services. Microsoft Teams also shares the same Connector model as Exchange, providing notifications and updates from third-party services like Twitter or GitHub


This is just a basic quick intro to Microsoft Teams, I will start posting about it and trying to helping you with this new Microsoft Solutions.



Skype for Business | Adios Lync Connectivity Analyzer

Que tal,

El dia de hoy solo quiero comentarles algo breve. La herramienta que mucho de nosotros hemos ocupado desde Lync Server, Lync Connectivity Analyzer se despide despues de tanto tiempo que nos apoyamos en ella para realizar troubleshooting o como apoyo para los registros DNS.

Pues bien, si el dia de hoy ingresan a la pagina para la descarga solo encontraran lo siguiente.



Aqui podran encontrar mayor información al respecto y si lo desean dar su feedback de que requiren en una nueva herramienta para troubleshooting o que uso le daban a esta herramienta.

Asi que, espero que los que la ocupan aun tengan su respaldo de la instalación, ya que no estara mas disponible para descarga.

Espero les sea de ayuda.


Windows Server 2016 Supported – Skype for Business Server 2015

Finally Windows Server 2016 is supported for Skype for Business Server 2015.

You can find information here

On TechNet you can see OS table updated.



How to get the update
To add support for Windows 2016 to Skype for Business Server 2015, install the May 2017 cumulative update 6.0.9319.281 for Skype for Business Server 2015 from Microsoft Update. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the server to the internet, and then start Microsoft Update or WSUS.
  2. Run Setup.exe from the RTM build or a setup CD.
  3. When you are prompted, select the Connect to the internet to check for updates option, and then select Install.


Note The installation window shows the download progress.


5.  After core component are installed, the Deployment wizard is started. In the wizard window, select the Install or Update Skype for Business server system option.
6.  Follow the remaining installation steps in KB 3061064.


Microsoft Update won’t offer future Skype for Business 2015 cumulative updates to Windows 2016-based servers after the May 2017 cumulative update.

On Windows 2016-based servers, cumulative updates for Skype for Business 2015 Server must be obtained from the Microsoft Download Center. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Download SkypeForBusinessInstaller.exe from the Download Center.
  2. Follow the installation steps in KB 3061064.


Hope this information help you!


Skype for Business Online Module Issue with MFA enabled


today i bring to you a new post about a issue I got today. I was trying to Connect with Remote Powershell to Skype for Business Online, But when I try to create  new Session I receive the following error message.



Read more

S4BContactos! Export/Import Contacts


Today I bring to you a useful tool to manage your contact from one account to another, or just to export as a backup.

As no native options under Skype for Business to do that. I try to find the way to do it. So i take all the information from the Lync SDK examples and also a great script from the MVP Michael Lamontagne  (you can download Michael’s script from gallery)

So I take all this information to create a GUI Tool to allows you export and import your Lync2010/Lync2013/S4B contacts , for onprem and online.

So here is S4BContactos!



Download here


Hope this helps you.

Note: Should be run on the same folder with the other files included on the .zip file


Que tal!

El dia de hoy les traigo una herramienta bastante util para administrar sus contactos y pasarlos de una cuenta a otra o exportar los contactos y tenerlos de respaldo.

como no hay una opcion dentro del propio cliente de S4B para hacerlo, busque la manera para lograrlo. Por lo que revise la documentacion y ejemplos de Lync SDK y tambien tome como base el script del MVP Michael Lamontagne (pueden descargar su script desde la galeria de microsoft aqui el link)


Asi que tome ambas fuentes para conseguir una herramienta con interfaz grafica y poder exportar/importar los contactos de Lync2010/Lync2013/SfB sin importar si estan en la nube o en servidores locales.

Sin mas les dejo S4BContactos



Descargar aqui


Espero les sea de ayuda.


NOTA: Para ejecutarlo tiene que ser desde la misma carpeta donde vienen todos los demas archivos.

Proyecto LXA – Tools for S4B Admin


Today I bring to you a new project I’m working on / PROYECTO LXA/  is a compilation of useful scripts in one GUI .

The purpose of the project is to put together as many script as I can, so the S4B only need one interface. (obviously are things that can not be done from S4B Control Panel)

Today, I share with you the BETA version, I’ll try first with 10 task, but I’ll add more with your feedback and when inspiration comes to me.

I’m working on release this 10 options first, but today only 6 are available. But I need feedback that’s why I share with you today.

So, you can download from here

Please all your feedback will be appreciated.

Hope this helps you.



Que tal,

Hoy les comparto un nuevo proyecto en el que he estado trabajando, /PROYECTO LXA/ una compilación de script útiles en una sola interfaz gráfica (GUI)

El propósito de este proyecto es poner juntos tantos script como pueda, así el administrador de S4B lo podrá realizar todo desde una sola interfaz (obviamente cosas que no se pueden hacer desde el Panel de Control de S4B)

Hoy aun se encuentra en versión BETA, intentare primero con 10 tareas, pero ire agregando mas con su retroalimentación y como a inspiración llegue a mi.

Estoy trabajando en liberar estas 10 tareas, pero al día de hoy solamente 6 están disponibles. Antes de seguir y para ver que todo este correcto es por lo que les comparto , para recibir su retro.

Sin mas, pueden descargarla aqui

Por favor todo su feedback sera de ayuda.

Espero les sirva.










Hybrid | DNS Checker


How many times did you found that after configured Shared Space and Hybrid Deployment with Skype online. No communications between onprem users and online users. Or some issues with federation and onprem users.

Main reason, wrong DNS configuration.

So, today I bring to you this simple script to check the Hybrid DNS configuration. (All must point to Onprem)

Is a kind of «friendly html» result, so you can figure out what need to change.

Look like this.

If your SRV points to online must show as red, if wrong port show red. (so simple)


You can download it here

Hope it helps you.


Skype for Business | Hybrid Shared Space Script


Today I bring to you two script to configure Hybrid SharedSpace between SfB online and onpremise.

The first script check if SharedSpace Online is already enabled, if not it enables.

The second script check the Hosting Provider, delete the old one and creates a correct new one, and also enables Shared Space.

Online Shared Space Script

OnPrem Shared Space Script


Hope this helps you.

Que tal,

El dia de hoy les traigo dos scripts para de una manera sencilla habilitar la configuracion hibrida en Skype for Business, habilitando el shared space en ambos lados.

El primer script revisa online, si no esta configurado habilita el SharedSpace.

El Segundo script revisa el Hosting Provider actual, elimina si no es correcto y crea uno Nuevo con los parametros requeridos, ademas de configurar el Shared Space.

Online Shared Space Script

OnPrem Shared Space Script

Espero sea de ayuda.