Deploy Lync 2013 Client via GPO

This article try to be helpful to Deploy Lync 2013 via GPO

Actually Lync 2013 Client is on the Office 2013 Suite, we will work with Customization Tool (OCT) to get our goal.

So, first you should have Office 2013 Installation media.

Note: It must be Volume Licence to work with OCT

In a Command Prompt write  %Path%/setup.exe /admin

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This will open a new wizard. Select New Customization File.

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It will show all configuration option .

Note: In this article, I only select Lync Client, but you could choose more Office Programs to install.

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Under Installation Tab, you can choose the default installation path, and write your organization name.

In the Licence tab, you can select KMS or MAK method, this depends of the licence type you have.

Check the Terms of Licence box and under Presentation Level , select none.


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The follow step is important, if you have previous Office Installations.

in remove previous Installation, select all the application we don’t want to remove and clic Details. A new window will open, clean the checkbox.

If you don’t realize this step, the previos version of Office will be removed.

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In the follow screen, select Lync to «Run on mi PC» and other applications to «Hidden»

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Once we finish with this configuration, you must save it. For that, go to File, Save as… and select the path where you want to put it. The file extensions will be .msp


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To deploy Lync Client via GPO, we must create a .bat file like


From the  GPO Manager Editor, you can execute this script on Startup or Shutdown.

I recommend Computer->Policies->Windows Settings>Script (startup/Shutdown)

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On my lab, I used Startup Script

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I hope this will help you

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