Microsoft Lync Server
Según la última notificia que he visto en el blog de Office,  Zig Serafin (Vicepresidente del equipo de Skype For Business) ha comunicado que en Abril tenemos disponibles el cliente Skype4B, el servidor y los servicios en Office 365!!! Aquí tenéis la notificia original:


Today’s post was written by Zig Serafin, corporate vice president for the Skype for Business team.
Enabling people to connect with one another is central to Microsoft’s mission to reinvent productivity and help people make the most of every moment. For us, connecting people means delivering experiences capable of conveying all forms of human expression—verbal, written, visual and emotional. In today’s modern workplace, productivity will increasingly be centered on conversations, whether in writing, in person, via phone or video conference call. People need communications tools that allow them to express themselves in the most natural and approachable way possible, and that work the way they do—fluidly across locations and devices.


Together with our customers and partners, Microsoft has transformed enterprise communications. Over 100 million people now use Microsoft Lync to communicate for work, with 79 percent of U.S. enterprises currently using or planning to deploy Lync for telephony. With Skype, we’re the preferred choice for consumer communications too. Skype revolutionized the way people connect with friends and family. Today, Skype sees 50 billion minutes of traffic every month—one third of the world’s long distance traffic—and over 50 percent of Skype users now come in over video.


And now, we’re bringing it all together—the familiar experience of Skype that people have come know and love, with the trusted platform in Lync that businesses around the world count on. We first announced in November that the next version of Lync would become Skype for Business. Earlier this week, we unveiled the technical preview of the Skype for Business client, which gives customers an opportunity to trial Skype for Business and begin preparing for their deployment. The Skype for Business client, Skype for Business Server, and the new service in Office 365 will begin rolling out in April.


Skype for Business logo FI


Skype for Business is the foundation for everything we are doing next, and I couldn’t be more excited to share our vision of communication-powered productivity.



Here are the next steps in our journey to the future of enterprise communication.


A familiar experience that IT will love too

The journey starts with Skype for Business, which brings together the much loved Skype interface, with an expanded Lync feature set that continues to deliver enterprise-grade performance, security, compliance and control. Everyone knows how to use Skype, so in the workplace, it’s intuitive right from the start. This familiarity, combined with the ability to video call anyone who has a Skype ID, make Skype for Business a powerful communication tool that has the ability to transform the way people work. And because it’s part of Office 365, Skype for Business features like presence, IM, voice and video calls, and online meetings are integrated with the productivity tools people use every day, like email, calendaring and document collaboration. Skype for Business will combine innovation from client to cloud, while also connecting businesses to the world’s largest video network.
Skype for Business 1
The Skype for Business is experience is inspired by the Skype user interface, so it’s familiar right from the start.

The right cloud for communication and productivity

The next step is the investments we are making over the next year to enhance our cloud for real-time communications. Office 365 is the world’s cloud for productivity, and Microsoft is the only vendor with a cloud designed for modern business, with communications at the heart of the Office 365 productivity solution.  As part of the Office 365 platform, Skype for Business will deliver at massive worldwide scale, with datacenters in 37 countries; with the most comprehensive productivity experience; and enterprise-grade reliability and controls on top of a secure and compliance-ready platform. That’s why over half of Microsoft enterprise customers are already using Microsoft cloud services.
Building on this foundation, I’m happy to announce we will deliver three new services in Skype for Business. We will offer enterprise voice and audio conferencing in Office 365, starting with a technical preview in the U.S. this summer, as well as enterprise-grade PSTN connectivity, beginning in the U.S. later this year, followed by a global roll out. This means Office 365 can be used for all your conversations—written, audio and video. The Office 365 Skype for Business voice and video services are based on an intelligent real time network, spanning Microsoft’s global datacenters, to deliver secure, high quality voice and video traffic at the speed of light across the globe. Our strategic partners AT&T, BT, Colt, Equinix, Level 3 Communications, Orange Business Services, TATA Communications, Telstra, Verizon and Vodafone, will deliver direct connections to Office 365 Skype for Business customers through Azure ExpressRoute for Office 365. These investments will benefit our on-premises customers as well as those using our cloud. We are enabling cloud plus on-premises hybrid options so that you can rely on our cloud when you need it without having to give up what you want to manage on-premises.

Modern meetings

The third step is to deliver a rich portfolio of meetings devices intentionally designed for and integrated with Skype for Business. I’m pleased to announce Skype Room Systems, which will deliver the Skype for Business experience to the more than 50 million meeting spaces of all shapes and sizes in use by organizations worldwide. Together with our partners, Crestron, Polycom and Smart, we will bring the world’s physical meeting spaces into the next era of communications experiences with a range of devices optimized for Skype for Business. Skype Room Systems devices will be built on a platform based on Windows 10, and will be available for customers in the Windows 10 timeframe. Since Skype Room Systems devices are the next evolution of Lync Room Systems, all Lync Rooms Systems devices will also be upgradable to Skype Room Systems and the Skype for Business experience.
Today we also announced an expanded relationship between Microsoft and Polycom through which Polycom will deliver a new series of solutions called Polycom RoundTable, purpose-built for Skype for Business. The first new device in this new offering is the Polycom RoundTable 100.  Designed for small-to-midsized businesses (SMB) and teams, and expected to be offered at a price point of around $1,000. RoundTable 100 is an incredibly simple, yet powerful, device that requires no IT assistance and provides customers the opportunity to experience Skype for Business in small meeting spaces. Additionally, the video devices in the Polycom CX series of products—the CX5100, CX5500 and CX8000—will also become part of the Polycom RoundTable series of products. Together, this series of products serve as another important step in delivering the Skype for Business experience to meeting rooms across businesses of all sizes. In addition, Polycom’s VVX business media phones will be the first phones to support PSTN calling in Office 365.
Also designed specifically to take full advantage of Skype for Business, the Microsoft Surface Hub is a new large-screen device built for ink and touch, and optimized for group collaboration. It delivers digital white boarding based on OneNote, the ability for multiple people to share and edit content to the screen from any device, and support for Windows 10 apps, all which help make meetings more engaging and productive.

Start the journey with us today


We’re harnessing the cloud and modern devices to deliver more natural, intuitive and intelligent communication experiences than have ever been possible before. Join us on this journey to the future by trying the new Skype for Business client, signing up to be part of the Skype for Business Cloud Voice Preview in the U.S. this summer, and connecting with a Microsoft partner to plan your deployment of Skype for Business. Learn more about how you can move your business forward with Skype for Business here.


Microsoft is on a mission to connect people everywhere so that they can achieve more together.  We can’t wait for you to experience the power of Skype for Business and realize the potential of this new era in workplace communications.
—Zig Serafin


MSFT ha liberado ya la versión preview del cliente de Skype For Business, así que ya sabéis .. (pulsar en la imagen para ir al enlace de descarga de fuera de América del Norte), si lo queréis descargar desde América del Norte tenéis que hacerlo desde aqui: OJO: recordad que esta actualización únicamente de la interface de usuario, no del propio cliente Lync y además esta versión expira el 1 de Mayo del 2015 …


En abril llegará oficialmente vía Windows Update como un actualización acumulativa de Office 2013, pero hasta entonces nos tendremos que conformar con esta versión. Para instalar esta versión únicamente nos la tenemos que descargar, previo formulario de MSFT preguntándonos para que la queremos…

Office 2016 Preview-61.png

Una vez descargada la actualización, ejecutamos el fichero lyncmso2013-kb2889923-fullfile-x64-glb.exe e iniciará el proceso de actualización:Office 2016 Preview-63.png
únicamente debemos esperar a finalizar la actualización y ya podremos iniciar sesión con el cliente de Skype For Business Preview:

Office 2016 Preview-64.png

Office 2016 Preview-65.png

Ahora desde la interface metro (Windows 8) buscamos por LYNC y vemos que ya nos aparece el cliente Skype For Business Preview:Office 2016 Preview-66.png

Ahora ya tenemos nuesto cliente Lync con el aspecto de Skype For Business

Office 2016 Preview-67.png

Si ahora vamos a Ayuda – Acerca de Skype Empresarial nos llevamos la sorpresita .. es el cliente Lync 2013  (15.0.4707.1000), únicamente se ha actualizado a nivel de interface de usuario

Office 2016 Preview-68.png
Si iniciamos sesión no tendremos problemas y veremos que el aspecto es lo esperado ..

Office 2016 Preview-69.pngOffice 2016 Preview-70.png
Esta versión preview es diferente a la versión  de Office 2016 Preview ( y también será algo diferente de la versión que nos llegará  a través de la actualización de Windows Update para Office 2013. 

Si queréis ver algunas imágenes de la "interface del cliente Lync" Matt Landis ha publicado algunas imágenes en su blog:

Si os animáis a instalarla ya me contaréis que tal!!!

Nueva actualización del cliente Lync para Mac Update for Lync for Mac 2011 – KB3007876​, esta actualización resuelve los problemas siguientes:

  • 3007886

    Actualización permite a los usuarios ver el historial de llamadas de Lync para Mac 2011

  • 3007885

    Actualización para Lync para Mac 2011 permite a los usuarios almacenar el historial de las conversaciones en un servidor de Exchange

  • 3007884

    No se muestra la ubicación en Lync para Mac 2011 cuando los usuarios unen a una red inalámbrica

  • 3007883

    Error "uno o más contactos seleccionados no pueden recibir las llamadas" cuando reenvía las llamadas en Lync para Mac 2011

  • 3007881

    Relación de delegación se rompe tras un delegado inicia sesión en Lync para Mac 2011

  • 3007879

    El apagado del equipo no se procesa cuando se ejecuta Lync para Mac 2011

  • 3007878

    Actualización implementa el modo de resistencia media en Lync para Mac 2011

  • 3007877

    Teclado de marcado desaparece cuando un usuario que no está habilitado para EV une a una conferencia de vídeo o una videollamada en Lync para Mac 2011

  • 2909659

    Actualización permite a los usuarios interactuar con un contacto desde el historial de llamadas en Lync para Mac 2011


Update for Microsoft Lync 2013 (KB2956174) 64-Bit Edition

Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Lync 2013 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Lync 2013 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Lync 2013 32-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Lync 2013 32-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improveme


​Siguiendo con la lectura a las presentaciones de la Office 365 Summit (Skype for Business slides now available for the Office 365 Summit), he podido ver la ruta de migración de Lync Server 2010 o 2013 a Skype For Business.

Migración Lync2010-2013 a Skype For Business-1.PNG
Cómo podemos ver tenemos dos procesos de migración:
  • Migrar usuarios: mover los usuarios a otro pool mientras se migra el servidor
  • Offline Mode: es el llamado In-Place, vamos que podemos migrar directamente el Lync a Skype For Business con un proceso bastante simple en 5 pasos

Esquema de migración moviendo usuarios desde Lync 2013 a Skype For Business: Se mueven los usuarios a otro pool de un servidor de Lync Server, se actualiza el servidor a Skype For Business y se vuelven a enviar los usuarios a dicho pool. Esto debemos hacerlo con todos los servidores de Lync, de tal forma que vayamos actualizando todos los pool de nuestra topología

Migración Lync2010-2013 a Skype For Business-2.PNG

Esquema de migración moviendo usuarios de Lync 2010 a Skype For Business: Crearemos un nuevo pool con un servidor de Skype For Business, movemos los usuarios de los pool de Lync 2010 y eliminamos los servidores de Lync 2010

Migración Lync2010-2013 a Skype For Business-3.PNG

Esquema de migración desde una topología con servidores de Lync 2010 y 2013 a Skype For Business: se mueven los usuarios del pool de Lync 2010 a uno de Lync Server 2013, luego los usuarios se mueven los usuarios del pool de Lync Server 2013 a otro pool de 2013 y se actualiza bajo el proceso de in-place el servidor sin usuarios a Skype For Business.

Migración Lync2010-2013 a Skype For Business-4.PNG

Esquema de migración en modo Offline: Este proceso es sólo para servidores con Lync 2013 (CU5), el proceso es bastante siemple y se detalla en la

Migración Lync2010-2013 a Skype For Business-5.PNG

Proceso a seguir para la actualización in-place (offline mode), es bastante sencillo, consta de cinco pasos  que os muestro a continuación:Migración Lync2010-2013 a Skype For Business-6.PNG

Los distintos procesos de migración parecen sencillos y bastante claros, casi todo pasa por mover usuarios de pool, actualizar y retirar servidores de Lync 2010. En cuanto a los servidores de Lync Server 2013 con el CU5 podemos pasarlos a Skype For Business actualizándolos siguiendo los 5 pasos descritos en la imagen anterior.