Microsoft Lync Server

Lync Server 2013 soporta SQL Server en Clúster

agosto 20th, 2013 | Posted by Santiago Buitrago in Lync Server

MSFT ha anunciado el soporte de las BBDD de Lync Server 2013 en un cluster de SQL Server

SQL Clustering support is for an active/passive configuration. For performance reasons, the passive node should not be shared by any other SQL instance.
The following support is included:
  • Two-node failover clustering for the following:
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard (64-bit edition). Additionally running the latest service pack is recommended.
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard (64-bit edition). Additionally running the latest service pack is recommended.
  • Up to sixteen-node failover clustering for the following:
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise (64-bit edition). Additionally running the latest service pack is recommended.
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise database software (64-bit edition). Additionally running the latest service pack is recommended

Esta noticia podéis encontrar si la buscáis en Inglés, esta documentación está actualizada a fecha 12-08-2013


Pero si ahora cambiamos el idioma de la noticia a España (Español) vemos que la noticia está actualizada a fecha 12/03/2012


Ya sabéis, los que tengáis un clúster de SQL Server que cumpla estos requisitos ya podéis configurar las BBDD de Lync Server en vuestro clúster

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard (64-bit edition). Additionally running the latest service pack is recommended
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard (64-bit edition). Additionally running the latest service pack is recommended.

Espero que os sea de interés esta noticia!!!

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