Microsoft Lync Server

Herramienta para Testear conexiones TCP

abril 9th, 2013 | Posted by Santiago Buitrago in Lync Server

​Os dejo aqui una estupenda herramienta para testear las conexiones TCP, seguro que le daréis buen uso y os será de mucha utilid

Fuente: TCP Test Tool

Simple Com Tools TCP Test Tool is a TCP testing application that provides the ability to both initiate and capture TCP packets from any PC to or from any PC, server, or IP device – providing a complete solution for debugging TCP session connectivity issues.

Designed with both end-users and network professionals in mind, TCP Test Tool can be used to diagnose TCP traffic on any IP network. When used as a packet initiator, TCP Test Tool can send packets to any pre-defined LAN or Internet IP address on any predefined port TCP port both as a single packet or using an automatic timer. As a capture tool, it lets you to bind to a specific UDP port, capture any incoming packets and display them in ASCII, HEX, or BINARY formats.


Espero que os sea de utilidad!!!

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