
Archivo para la categoría ‘sp2 Exchange 2007’

>Cómo reemplazar el servidor de mensajería de EBS después de implementar Exchange 2007 Service Pack 2 de EBS 2008

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009 Sin comentarios

>Y es que tiene miga la cosa, Service Pack 2 no viene por defecto en EBS, así que en el proceso de cambio de máquina documentado, no estaba prevista la instalación del mismo.

Categories: EBS, Exchange 2007, sp2 Exchange 2007 Tags:

>SP2 de Exchange 2007 en SBS y EBS

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009 Sin comentarios


Os dejo uno par de links a los kb, que explican como y que hay que tener en cuenta si quieres instalar sp2 de Exchange en SBS o en EBS 2008.

EBS 2008:

SBS 2008:

Link de Download:

>SP 2 de Exchange 2007 (aviso para navegantes)

viernes, 31 de julio de 2009 Sin comentarios

>SP 2 de Exchange 2007 (aviso para navegantes)

viernes, 31 de julio de 2009 Sin comentarios

>Si queréis aprovechar Agosto para meter las zarpas a vuestro SBS 2008, aviso y dejo dicho por aquí, que (de momento) nada de instalar en SBS 2008 el sp2 de Exchange que va a salir de forma inminente.

Queda dicho 😀

>Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 available in Q3 2009

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009 Sin comentarios

>Ya sé que en esta y en la anterior entrada me he pasado con el ctrl+c ctrl+v, ¡pero voy un poco pegado de tiempo!.

Key new features of Exchange Server 2007 SP2 unveiled today include:

Enhanced Auditing – New Exchange auditing events and audit log repository enable Exchange administrators to more easily audit the activities occurring on their Exchange servers. It allows the right balance of granularity, performance, and easy access to audited events via a dedicated audit log repository. This simplifies the auditing process and makes review of audited events easier by segregating audited events in a dedicated location.

Exchange Volume Snapshot Backup Functionality – A new backup plug-in has been added to the product that will enable customers to create Exchange backups when a backup is invoked through the Windows Server 2008 Backup tool. Exchange Server 2007 didn’t have this capability on Windows Server 2008 and additional solutions were required to perform this task.

Dynamic Active Directory Schema Update and Validation – The dynamic AD schema update and validation feature allows for future schema updates to be dynamic deployed as well as proactively preventing conflicts whenever a new property is added to the AD schema. Once this capability is deployed it will enable easier management of future schema updates and will prevent support issues when adding properties that don’t exist in the AD schema.

Public Folder Quota Management – SP2 enables a consistent way to manage quotas by improving the current PowerShell cmdlets to perform quota management tasks.
Centralized Organizational Settings – SP2 introduces new PowerShell option that enable centralized management of many of the Exchange organization settings.
Named Properties cmdlets – SP2 enables Exchange administrators to monitor their named property usage per database.

New User Interface for Managing Diagnostic Logging- SP2 enables Exchange administrators to easily configure and manage diagnostic logging from within the Exchange Management Console.

Categories: sp2 Exchange 2007 Tags: