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Not the first time that asked me about getting advanced performance metrics of XenServer servers. XenCenter data are indicative, but not enough for those who want to obtain complete metrics of our environments.

EdgeSight does not solve our problem, since it has no possibility (at least for now) to monitor our XenServer host. So we have to go to third party tools, such as Open-Source solutions (Nagios, Zabbix, etc) and/or proprietary tools like PHDMonitor or Goliath, among others.

But there is a way manually …

Lest we lose ourselves in the journey to the underworld CLI, here’s a short guide to help. (más…)

In System alerts you can see:



#XenServer: USB as SR

enero 23rd, 2013 | Posted by cristiansan in CLI | XenServer - (0 Comments)

Like some IT Professionals I have my own lab in my home. This servers are used in sometimes for education and i need to re-install my lab sometimes.

After clases, is time to re-install all the lab. Host hypervisor (if i needed install it), and all components to my Citrix Lab and other services.


When you install a VM on XenServer, the cpu affinity is set to «any cpu» by default.
How to change this setting and do you set the cpu affinity?


0. Connect to XenDesktop Brocker

1. Open PowerShell CLI

2. Be sure that Powershell policy allows you to run scripts. (set-ExecutionPolicy)


Install PsSnapIN for XenServer (Install msi packquet)

Register de XenServer SnapIn

 C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319installutil.exe «C:Program Files (x86)CitrixXenServerPSSnapInXenServerPSSnapIn.dl

Run “Citrix XenServer PowerShell SnapIn”
