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XenDesktop 7.X – Restrict application for one server

febrero 3rd, 2017 | Posted by cristiansan in Basico | Citrix | Conceptos | ctxdom | Deploy | tricks | TroubleShooting | XenApp | XenDesktop

Recently we having a project for migrate a XenApp6.5 environment to XenDesktop 7.X. In this project the customer has a lot of Applications published in XenApp, based in Worker Groups mostly, but also has, some Applications published for specific Servers.

This scenario can have a logical issue for the new design, because, Citrix XenDesktop FMA don’t provide mechanisms to publish apps for specified server directly.
With the feature, Group Application, can resolve this limitation, and now, we explain how to do, for some friends and follower that can be in this situation.

We have this situation:

App1 -> Server 1 (and server is in worker Group too with its applications)

In Citrix Studio, we can assume that a Worker is a Delivery with Machines from some Catalog. When I migrate the xenapp6.5 environment to xenapp7.X, it can be a good starting point. But, if this VMs are different, because this Machines are migrated for old customer environment, can be necessary, publish app per server.

The solution for this, is working with TAGS and Group App.

Firstly, I tag all my servers with her self-name. For example, server1 is tagged as server1.
Second, i need to create a «Group App» with the specific Apps for this server. When I create the Catalog i can select a “Filter Tag”, but this is only available in Group Apps. For do this:

  • Open Citrix Studio
  • Go to Application tab
  • From actions – Create Application Group
  • Follow the Wizard.


  1. When need to select the Delivery Groups, select the Delivery that has the VM assigned.
  2. In this step select “Restrict launches to machine with tag…”
  3. If the VMs in Catalog are Tagged with self-name, select the name of VM that has the capacity to launch the specific Application.
  4. Restrict to Users or AD Group if needed.
  5. Select the application for this Application Group
  6. Accept the Summary

That’s all. This picture can be a proximity logical schema for this situation.

Other problems in this scenario are the logical of organization for new environment, may be, speak about it in the next post.

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